Solitary Sword Sect

"Your turn, hurry forward," the middle-aged man shouted.

Luo Tian was pushed from behind so he stopped thinking and came forward.

He and about twenty others arrived in front of the middle-aged man.

The latter was holding a strange rock, it emitted light, which enveloped the bodies of Luo Tian and the others.

As a cultivator, he knows what it is, it is a stone for checking talent. It no longer exists on earth, but a thousand years ago it could still be found.

One by one, people's talents appeared on the stone.

Unfortunately, they all had mortal talents.

The middle-aged man's expression turned ugly.

"What the hell, so many have joined the sect today, but they are all trash," he said.

He didn't hide his voice so everyone could hear what he had to say.

As he waved his hand, Luo Tian and the others were sent inside the gate.

"Next," he said again.

This time it might be a bit lucky, one of the 20 newly advanced people suddenly emitted a white light from his body.

"Ah, houtian-level body, not bad."

The middle-aged man finally smiled.

He pulled the person and let him stand beside him, he said to him, "you will become an inner court disciple, your life is destined to be extraordinary."

That person, on the other hand, showed a confused expression. In a low voice he said, "what's with this NPC?"


The man standing beside Luo Tian withdrew his hand. "Hey dude, what's your name?" He asked.

Luo Tian looked at him again, the man's nickname was Sun Yang, obviously he used his real name.

"You can call me by my nickname," he answered.

After a moment of observing the virtual screen displaying his nickname, he saw a button that said hide nickname. He quickly clicked on it to hide his nickname. Then a notification pops up saying that only his friends can see his nickname now. But the virtual screen is still there indicating that he is a player

Sun Yang also hid his nickname before saying, "ohhh, I'm afraid you really are an old man in real life, after all, my grandfather also played this game."


'Your grandfather doesn't even deserve to be my grandson,' Luo Tian said to himself.

He and the others then followed a young man. He was already emitting quite a strong aura, obviously he was a senior disciple.

They climbed the mountain, but they didn't climb too high, they stopped at an area full of small and dilapidated buildings.

Beside that area was a mine area, it was full of gold and silver so people widened their eyes when they saw the mine.

"So much gold and silver," said Sun Yang and the others.

"Ehmmm," the senior disciple cleared his throat at them.

They turned their gaze to him.

The latter looked at them one by one before saying, "Don't get hung up on gold and silver, you might be able to use them in the mortal world, but don't think you can use them for cultivation. If you want to become cultivators, you must look down on mortal things like gold and silver."

His words were clearly disapproved.

Sun Yang sneered and said, "Who in this world would look down on gold and silver? Even my grandfather is still busy gathering them despite his old age."

The senior disciple ignored their response that seemed to disapprove of his words, he continued, "As you get longer in the sect, you will realize the truth of my words. Alright, I'll explain to you about the sect."

"But first,"


He waved his hand towards them, 20 small bags suddenly came out of nowhere, each of them landed right in their hands.

"In those bags, there is a token which is a sign that you are disciples of this sect. There is also a book that records one of the sect's merit laws, a pill that can help you break through to the first layer of the iron body, and an iron wood sword that you can train with."


(Host gets an artifact)

- Spatial Bag

Status: Grade-1 Artifact

Description: Has a space of 1 meter, can store any inanimate object as long as it is not larger than the size of the space.

Luo Tian casually bit his finger until blood dripped, he dropped a drop of his blood onto the bag.

(Binding was successful.)

After that, he was able to look into the spatial space within the bag, as the senior disciple said, there was a token, book, pill, and ironwood sword inside.

He took out the token and the book.

There was the words, "Solitary Sword Sect" on the token along with a picture of a sword.


(You officially joined a sect, your first F-class mission has been completed.)

(You get 1 comprehension point for merit laws and 1 comprehension point for techniques.)


(You get a merit law.)

- Solitary Sword

Status: Houtian Tier Merit Law

(Would you like to add it to your body?)


Luo Tian thought for some time, but he finally chose not to choose just yet.


"Ow, that hurts..."

Some people were initially at a loss as to how to drip their blood, when they saw Luo Tian casually biting his finger, some of them imitated his actions. But as a result they screamed because they could not stand the pain.

"Damn, what's with this game, it has exactly the same pain as the real world."

"There doesn't seem to be a pain-reducing feature."

"Has the developer gone mad, this is dangerous for people's consciousness."

Those who felt the pain of biting their own fingers started cursing.

Sun Yang who was just about to bite his thumb had no other choice but to stop, he looked at Luo Tian in surprise. "Bro, are you not in pain?" he asked.

"It hurts, of course!"

"But why are you not reacting at all?"

"I suppressed my reaction."

Sun Yang, "..."

"Huh, if you can't endure such a small wound, how will you withstand the thrust of the sword? Are you going to cry while fighting?" The senior disciple smiled mockingly.

"Alright, the things you need to know are; you need to break through to the iron body's first layer immediately, the pill can definitely help you. But it's not free, of course. You will pay by deducting your wages from working in the mines. This place isn't free either, you have to pay rent Basically, you are no different from the workers here. But working here is naturally better than in the mortal world. The remaining wages you earn after deducting your wages are enough for you to live comfortably. If you want to get out of this situation, increase your cultivation. As long as you reach the fourth layer of the iron body, you will become inner disciples, your debts will also be considered paid off. Hard training is the point, although all of you only have mortal talent, that doesn't mean you can't become stronger. In the cultivation world, many peerless experts possessed only mortal talent."

The senior disciple paused to take a breath before continuing, "I will only explain until here, there are many houses here that you can use, you can fight over them. Every week, a clerk will come to collect your bill."

After saying that, he immediately walked away.

As he walked away, he spoke again, "By the way, only killing is prohibited here, you can do whatever you want!"


At the same time, another group of disciples came along with other senior disciples.

Luo Tian, ​​on the other hand, went straight to one of the houses. He chose the house in the corner of the area.

Sun Yang chased after him, he said, "Bro, do you find this game a bit strange? It feels too realistic."

"Perhaps this really is the real world," Luo Tian replied casually.

"Hahaha, you must be joking, there is no other world in this world." He showed a confident expression with his words.


Suddenly there was the sound of a bell in the sky, it sounded directly inside the players' heads, meaning only they could hear it.

A gigantic virtual screen then appeared in the sky above the sect. There are some writings.

(Yang Ming managed to break through to the first layer of the iron body, becoming the first in the Solitary Sword Sect.)

"Ah that, he has already broken through." Sun Yang was surprised.

"Who's he?" Luo Tian asked.

"He is a player with a xiantian body, once it was revealed, the sect master descended from the mountain and immediately made him his personal disciple."

"Oh, but why did the announcement appear?"

"Haha, bro, you sure didn't read the description right? Being first in certain achievements will be announced for each area. There are also worldwide announcements, but there are fewer of them."

"Oh, I see!"