32. Unraveling Secrets

"What if I tell you, his dead body is here?" With a calm smile plastered on her face, Rebekah stated.

She snapped and a sound barrier appeared around them, preventing the sound inside to escape.

(Neat trick, reminds me of Kiara) The voice in Sam's mind commented.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sam frowned in half ridicule and half disbelief.

How can the body of the legendary Dragon Tamer be in a place like this? This is just a museum! Is this girl crazy?

Thoughts like that flooded Sam's mind.

He was right in his assessment too. Why would the dead body of such a legendary figure be here?

And even if it is here, why tell him about it? What's the point? The body would already have been decayed by now.

However, before Sam could even voice his confusion, Rebekah Spoke up

"I know what you're thinking." She slightly raised her hand and gestured to him to listen. "There is a reason why we are here."