37. Reminiscing The Past And The Duel Begin

"Are you ready?"

"I am!"

"And are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am!"

After confirming if both the participants were ready, Karma dramatically raised her hand before dropping it, signaling the start of the duel.



Several explosions and breaking sounds filled the training field as soon as the duel started.

"What if they get injured? Like really really bad?" Robin asked, her brows stuck together in worry.

"There are medics on standby, some of them can even bring a person back from the brink of death," Drake replied.

"Woah Drake didn't see you there, when did you come?" Acting startled, Anthony asked in a clearly teasing tone.

"Wow man wow! I've been here since the start, I even said hi when I came," Drake narrowed his eyes in an 'Are you serious' way.

While the duel was going on in the middle of the field, the group was talking among themselves.