40. Kiara vs. Sam! [2]

(She is planning to rain down ice spears on you!) 

"Yeah, thank you Mr. Obvious!" 

As soon as Sam replied the voice in his head underneath his breath, the ice spears that Kiara was preparing started falling down on him.

With his muscles augmented and stimulated with lightning, Sam had no problem with dodging the barrage of ice spears.

He was running throughout the duel area, looking like Flash while avoiding the spears.

Kiara wasn't able to follow him with her naked eyes.

She wanted to use her ability to morph her eyes into that of a serpent's but she had her pride. 

If she had to use her real ability against Sam then it was already her loss. 

Hence she kept attacking Sam without using her real ability.

However, she failed to notice that Sam was not only dodging her ice spears but he was also closing in on her.