51. A Mystery

"Where are we going?" Gulping down a mouthful of saliva in hesitation, Lucas asked.

They've been walking for almost 2 hours. It's been even longer since they passed through the inner gates of the Academy City.

There were 7 Sentry class Heroes guarding the gates but none of them objected to Sam and Lucas for passing through the gates.

It was as if they were all in a daze. Like letting the students pass through the gates was nothing out of the ordinary for them.

At first Lucas thought that Sam had bought the guards with money, but then he remembered an article on the internet. It was written that because the Progenitor was able to manipulate biology on cellular levels, it wasn't difficult for him to mind control people.

'Did he mind control them?' Lucas wondered as he watched the black-haired boy walking in front of him.

"At the risk of repeating myself, w-where are we going?" Lucas asked while desperately trying to stop himself from stuttering.