57. Other Plans

"You made this lab all by yourself?" 

"Yes, I mean my clones did most of the work and I just instructed them but yes."

"I see. It's a marvel. So many latest state-of-the-art equipment and a chamber made of Hyper Glass. How much money did you throw to make this?"

"Couple of billions. Nothing I can't afford with a little mind control."

"Hahaha! True."

Right now, Sam was showing his basement lab to Marcel. They were talking about random things when Marcel suddenly decided to ask.

"Whose house is this anyway?" Marcel asked with a frown.

"A guy I mind controlled to leave this city. Then I took his house and used this basement to torture Rebekah Willburn." Sam replied, shrugging casually.

"Rebekah Willburn? As in Starsuper's daughter?" Surprised by the revelation, Marcel asked.