61. 3 Days Into The Special Exam



In an otherwise normal forest, two people were fighting with the intention to suppress their opponent. 

One was a girl. Blue hair, full figure, tall, and from the looks of it, very well versed in the art of hand-to-hand combat.

Another was a boy. Mud brown hair, slim yet fit figure, tall, and quite an expert in martial arts.

They both were fighting at close range near the river. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out they both had similar abilities. The ability to enhance their bodies. 

"Huff! Huff!" The boy panted for air.

His stamina was rushing out. On the other hand, the girl still had to break a sweat.

"You're strong, Monica." The boy spoke with his lips curled back into a smirk.

"And you're going to lose, Ezekiel." Monica replied with a similar smirk.

Before the boy could retort to her mocking, the girl focused all her strength on her legs and dashed forward.