84. Choices

"Robin! Robin, please wake up!" In a worried voice, Drake yelled.

He was kneeling on the ground, and in his embrace was his girlfriend, Robin. She had her eyes closed as if she was in a deep slumber.

No, she wasn't dead. Her breathing and heart rate were normal. However, for some reason, she had lost consciousness.

"Robin! Please wake up! Please!" Drake kept on calling out her name.

Around him was a scene of mayhem. People were lying all around him. Some were convulsing in pain while others were rolling around.

All of them were screaming in torment and agony. The pain that they were feeling must've been so unbearable for them to be causing them to scream like that.

But even amidst a clusterfuck of chaos, Drake didn't abandon his love when she fell unconscious to the ground.

However, why wasn't she screaming and crying like the rest of the students? Why wasn't she turning?