97. A Perfect World

Buildings were set ablaze, surroundings were vandalized, and rubbles of destruction were raining down the abandoned city area.

In the midst of it all, Heroes were fighting the Progenitor's minions.

As they continued to struggle, they continued to perish. Their lifeless bodies kept collapsing onto the ground as they joined their fallen brethren.

Regardless, even when faced with such a grim situation, a boy in a white and golden body-fit battle suit kept fighting back.

His once bright flaxen hair had already lost its shine as they were now stained in red from the blood of his enemies.

His eyes, on the other hand, were still glimmering with hope– the hope that they would win this battle.

In his mind, he was constantly repeating the words, 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' 

When Anthony learned about his extraterrestrial origins, he was disappointed.