108. Hope And Regrets

"Mom! Look, I got my report card!" 

"Oh? How did it go, son?" 

"I aced it as usual! Hahaha!" 

"Ah~ Come here, give your mom a hug! I hope Michael does well in his tests too." 

"Don't worry, mom. He'll be fine. After all, he's my brother!" 

At the entrance of a rather big, luxurious house, a duo of mother and son could be seen standing.

The mother was hugging her son, who had just returned from his school.

Watching the duo, standing a little behind them in the hallway, were two guys.

Yes, they were Samael and Michael. And by the looks of the things, they seemed to be invisible since neither the lady nor the boy was noticing them.

"Is this what you wanted?" Michael asked his brother with a frown on his face.

However, Sam remained silent. He had an unreliable expression on his face as he stood there in utter silence, watching the scene in front of him play out.