119. Battle Of Moon's Gate

Eying the superhero in front of him, Sam enforced his body with otherworldly energy by activating [Neither Manipulation].

From Sam's estimation, the distance between him and Starsuper was around 6-7 meters. 

Clenching his jaw, Sam mentally composed himself. 

It was now painfully clear to him that the gap between their strength was too tremendous. 

Even with everything he had in his disposal, Sam couldn't hope to face Starsuper head-on. 

(Don't think too much, Sam. Do as I say. For now, do your best to avoid his attacks, and do not, I repeat, do not try to tank his attacks) 

With a look of resolution on his face, Sam nodded. 

Seeing him behaving this way, Starsuper felt uneasy. 

That last punch must've made the gap between their powers clear to Sam, so why was he still so committed?

Why was he not abandoning hope? 

Did he have a hidden ace up his sleeve that he has yet to reveal?