141. The Bond Of Trust

"Woah, that was tough…."

"If you find that tough, you need some training. Maybe train with your father the next time you see him. Oh, by the way, I turned your father into a demon too."

"Shut up— WAIT WHAT?! I mean, now that you mention it, I can feel him! Woah! You really did it, huh? Did you backstab him?"

"Yeah. I called him under the guise of help and ambushed him as soon as he came. Then killed him and revived him as one of us. However, he's staying quiet, not talking too much. Guess he's still sour that I broke his trust."

"Hah! Served him right!"

As soon as Kiara, Sam, and two of his clones exited the lift to proceed to the basement, they were greeted by a squad of heroes guarding the entrance.

All it took was one flick of Sam's fingers for half of them to drop dead.

The other half was taken care of by Kiara. She had to deal with some strong ones.