146. "The War... Is Over."

It was quiet. 

For the first time in years of his life, Sam's head was quiet.

There was no voice. There were no thoughts. There was no one else around him.

For the first time, Sam really felt the true meaning of the word 'alone.' 

But Sam knew this would happen. He had always suspected the voice in his head.

That's why he formulated a number of fail-safe plans in case the voice was ever to betray him.

Sam had a guess, but he was still quite surprised to see that the voice in his head actually belonged to the first Progenitor.

What was he to him? Maybe his great great great great grandchild or something? 

Nevertheless, after killing his final enemy, Sam emerged victorious.


Shaking Sam out of his thoughts was an enraged voice that seemed to have come from the entrance of the basement.

Oh, right, there was one last obstacle for him to clear. One last hero was still alive for him to vanquish.