Xiao Ming and Lin Huan's group had already returned to where they were before. Xiao Ming and the others had returned to the Yin Yang Mountains, while Lin Huan had gone to the Lin family residence.

In a forest, in a dark cave, to be exact, two people of the opposite sex are sitting quietly.

The two people were none other than Xu Yuan and Meng Yu.

Meng Yu was guarding her Master, who was cultivating, whereas previously Xu Yuan had set up a formation around the cave where he was cultivating.

It doesn't feel like 4 days have passed like lightning, the system update process has been completed, and finally, the system can operate as usual.

From deep in his brain, the sound of the system ringing made Xu Yuan happy, and his system had finally returned.

But now, it was different. A beautiful woman wearing pink clothes with a face like a peach blossom suddenly appeared in his inner consciousness.