Yu Jiu threw her bow and arrows carelessly, and she couldn't wait to meet Uncle Xu, who made her the brave person she is now.

Xu Yuan himself, who was about to enter the Royal Palace gates, was blocked by 2 gate guards. The two of them asked him in a curt tone. It seemed that the guards no longer on duty saw the two new people who became the gates of the Royal Palace.

"Hey, brat, the Royal Palace is not a place for you to play. Just go!" Drive away, one of the gate guards, while waving his hand, ordered Xu Yuan to leave the gates of the Royal Palace.

Hearing that, Xu Yuan knitted his brows in displeasure until a loud shout from behind the gates of the Royal Palace made the two guards flinch in surprise.

"Who dares to chase away uncle Xu!? I will kill him!"

A little girl wearing a bright yellow robe immediately approached Xu Yuan and the gatekeeper. She glanced at the gatekeeper with disapproval.