Several days had passed, and Xu Yuan was now in the mountains with the Night Sky Serpent in his hands.

Even though he knew that this Night Sky Serpent belonged to Feng Wu, with Feng Wu's strength, nurturing the Night Sky Snake was impossible. Not only was its poison extremely vicious, but the Night Sky Snake was also known to be extremely violent and stubborn, just like the temperament of the Golden Crow. No Feng Wu could take care of it, so he just took it.

"You adorable little snake, how should I give you a name?" His monologue was as if he was talking with a black snake in his hand.

"How about Shen Li? Or Shen Yu? Seems like Shen Li fits this little body of yours."

As if understanding what the human was saying, the little snake protested with a loud hiss and wrapped its body in Xu Yuan's arms.