After hearing the sound of a little girl crying, the tense atmosphere replaced the previous tense aura with an absurd aura that made all the fairies in disbelief at what they were witnessing now.

"Dad, I'm hungry! Huaaa!!!" the girl cried as she kicked the empty air in front of her.

Xu Yuan's face twisted with surprise. He was only 20 years old, too young to be a father of a daughter around 6 years old.

Stephanie gaped in disbelief, "This, what happened?" she muttered, still not separated from what she saw now.

Xu Yuan was astonished. Why did this little girl call him 'Dad'? He wasn't even the one who made it, and it wasn't Xiao Yu who gave birth to him. The girl before him wasn't his child, but why did she address him as his 'Papa'?