A Boy From Brooklyn

In New York City, Brooklyn, three boys walked the busy streets while talking.

"What would you do if you found the book of life? " One of them asked his friend as they walked towards their school in the morning.

"I don't know, man, probably wish for a giant harem or something. " The other boy answered without giving it much thought.

"That's selfish bro. I'd probably wish to end world hunger or something. "

"You're saying that, but I bet you'd only wish that to get girls to think you're some nice guy. "

"You know me so well!! HAHAHA!"

"What about you, Adam? What would you do? " The second guy asked as he looked back at the boy following them.

"I-I don't know, p-probably wish the monsters disappear... or.... something. " The boy uttered his sentence with a trembling voice and wandering eyes.

He looks around 170 cm tall with a skinny body, a pale face, and jade eyes surrounded by dark circles. His hair is curly and black, but dry and dirty from lack of attention. The boy's name is Adam King.

"If you wish for that, awakened people like me will become useless. Are you saying that you want me, a High Human, to become a useless f*ck like you?! " Adam's answer ticked off one of the two guys.

"N-no, o-of course not!! I'm very sorry... " The boy hurriedly apologized.

The two guys walking in front of Adam are both taller than 180 cm with superb physics, and handsome features. The one who got mad is called James Clint and is a High Human with great promise and talent possessing great physical power and lightning magic. His appearance is very pleasing to the eye, with smooth blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Come on, James, have some pity. The boy is about to sh*t his pants hehe. " The other guy calmed James down while making fun of Adam.

He is called Darius Morris, also a High Human with water magic, and is currently James' manager, a smart guy who is the heir to a giant conglomerate dealing in magic weaponry called Bladeworks Inc. A bit on the lean side, with pitch-black hair and charming hazel eyes.

They are both winners in life, blessed by the goddesses of wealth and fortune. Wearing expensive brand clothes to school, while Adam settles for things he finds in thrift shops.

'They live in completely different worlds than mine... ' Adam couldn't help but think that every time he looked at them. His family died in a fire caused by a deranged High Human, 4 years ago, when he was 13 years old.

But, the government tricked the young Adam into signing a letter of intent, to spare the High Human who killed his family from the death sentence and use his powers to fight monster attacks instead, with 5 years of prison time.

'All that for a measly $500 a month..... I would much rather kill that bastard myself. ' Adam's heart aches every time he remembers his family. Of course, he understood the government's reasons, but couldn't forgive them for letting the criminal live after what he did.

His father was an engineer, and his mother was a nurse. They were both High Humans with decent powers. His father had physical power enhancement and his mother possessed telekinesis, but for some strange reason, only his little sister inherited their powers and he didn't.

Everyone praised the little girl for inheriting two powers, and despite not receiving any powers or abilities, Adam was happy for his sister too, often praising her when she was still alive...

'If I found the book of life, I would probably destroy it and get rid of all this magic bullshit... ' Adam grit his teeth as the three finally reached the school gates.

He often meets up with Darius and James on their way to school because they all take the same route, but to Adam, this was a huge issue because these two would always pick on him whenever they met.

They were all in their third year of high school and would graduate next month. James and Darius already have brilliant careers ahead of them as High Humans, while Adam had to work for the past 4 years just to get enough money for university.

His relatives gave up on him the moment his parents died, leaving him alone to fend for himself using the 500 dollars to pay for rent and food while working to save money for his education.

Unlike the other two, if Adam does not get proper education to get a job, he will starve to death soon. The government support will stop when he turns 18. He had no particular talents or traits, leaving a normal desk job as his last option.

Adam walked towards the school building quickly with his head tucked between his shoulders to avoid attention. After reaching the class, he sat on the front seat and readied his books for the next period.

One of the strongest and most popular guys in school targeted him, so he had to make sure he secures a safe place during class to focus on his teacher's words. It's a strategy he devised over the last three years of getting bullied.

Of course, James did not hit him in front of other people and only did it at the end of the school day, but he would take his books and shred them, or cover his gym clothes in sh*t.

He even spread rumors about Adam like he used his family's death to get money from the government or that he killed his family.

Adam cried every night after school and would always have nightmares about his family, which made him sleep-deprived and stole his former good looks and bright personality. Even his height stopped increasing after entering high school because of the rough life he had and the malnutrition because of his lack of money.

But Adam had no way of fighting back. His opponent is an awakened High Human with good looks and popularity. He could only keep his raging emotions to himself and work hard to survive.


"Okay guys, this concludes our lesson for today. " The teacher declared the end of the last class of the day and Adam wanted to get up and leave before a big hand pushed his shoulder down.

"Adam, is it true that you work in the mall right now? " It was James who asked in a sarcastic tone with apparent intentions.

"Y-yes, I do... " Adam answered in a weak voice. He wanted to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"So, the money you earned from killing your family wasn't enough for you? " James asked him and Adam stayed silent. He was already used to this kind of thing now.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. It's crazy how a killer like you gets to live among us. " James got angry at Adam's silence and said before he bent down and whispered in his ears, "if you only left that sister of yours, she would've turned into a fine b*tch~ "

Adam's eyes widened at the mention of his little sister. He turned to James with bloodshot eyes and clenched fists.

"Take back what you just said. " Adam said through his clenched jaw. He was weak, but his family was a line no one should cross.

He silently endured all the insults directed towards him and ignored them. But he can't hold back when his family is involved.

"Oh my god, is the murderer going to attack me now? " Everyone in the class turned their attention to the two at James's words. "Everyone! Don't worry, I will protect you from this murderer. "

"I'm not a murderer!! Take back what you said about my sister right now! " Adam roared, which surprised everyone in the class, including James.

"Or what? " James recovered from his shock and provoked Adam more. For the past three years, he kept provoking Adam, hoping to receive a reaction from him, and this was the long-awaited response.

Adam ran in James's direction while wildly swinging his fists. He is a complete amateur in fighting, so he didn't know what he was doing, but he just couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

"That's not how you fight, idiot. " James said as he swiftly moved to the side and tripped Adam, making him fall headfirst into the solid floor.

Adam wanted to get up, but a punch to the back of his head immediately pinned him down and clouded his vision.

James got on top of the poor boy and started hailing punches on him quickly and viciously. The people surrounding the two either started recording the fight or just left the class out of fear.

After 15 minutes of punching, James finally stopped and left the classroom, while Adam sprawled on the ground with tears running down his cheeks.

This was the first time he ever fought back. His body hurts so much, but the reason he was crying at the moment was that he couldn't do anything to the guy who insulted his sister, the same way he couldn't do anything to the guy who killed his family.

"W-why? Why am I so weak?! " Adam said as he choked on his sobs. "W-why is all of this h-happening to me? " The boy laid down on his back and asked as he looked at the ceiling.

[Congratulations! You have awakened the Akashic system.]

"W-what is t-this? " Adam said his last words before passing out on the cold floor.