New Guy

"Where is that piece of sh*t?! " James said while walking to school in the morning alongside Darius. He kept searching for Adam during the past two weeks every day without fail, but to no avail, which only increased his rage.

"It's already been two weeks. Why don't you just give it a rest, James? " Darius replied in an annoyed tone. Hearing James talk about Adam nonstop this past period made him annoyed.

'Whenever I ask him about the reason for this obsession, he just avoids the subject... ' Darius thought internally as a deep frown formed on his face.



*Gasp! *

The streets suddenly filled up with murmurs, gasps, and whispers as the two handsome boys got closer to the school.

"What's going on? Is this our welcoming~? " Darius said with a big, arrogant smile hanging on his face. He was quite handsome and very rich, making him used to this kind of reaction when walking the streets.

"I don't think so. People are not looking at us... " James woke up the daydreaming Darius as he walked closer to the school to investigate the source of this commotion.

At the school's entrance, multiple people were looking at the center of the schoolyard and whispering amongst themselves.

"That guy is so handsome~," a pretty girl said with a beet-red face.

"He's too handsome, if you ask me. It's too much. " A guy standing behind her said with eyes full of contempt.

"Guys, what is it? " James squeezed himself between the two and asked.

"It's this new guy, he is so hot~ " the girl answered while cupping her face with her hands.

James looked at the center of the schoolyard, and there was the guy everyone was talking about. A tall guy with shiny black hair and broad shoulders approached the school's main building with steady steps.

"Who is that guy? "

"You think he's transferring here? "

"I wonder if he'll transfer to our class~ "

"Please don't enroll here. "

"I want chicken wings. "

The whispers and murmurs continued as the handsome guy walked in, and people wondered what business he had here.

'I guess my appearance change attracted a lot of attention... ' Adam noticed the people's incessant gazes and felt incredibly uncomfortable, but happy at the same time.

He knew the drastic change that his body underwent would attract enormous attention and walked towards his class while thinking about his classmates' reactions when they find out it was him all along.

He walked into his classroom and sat at the front desk before sorting out his things for the first period. None of his classmates recognized him as the murmurs intensified upon his arrival at the classroom.

"Hello guys, I hope you had a fun weekend. " The teacher finally entered the classroom just as the anticipation reached the limit.

"Let's get right to it. Open your textbooks to pa- oh, I didn't know we had a new student. " The teacher, Mr. Klaus, noticed the handsome young man in front of him, "would you mind introducing yourself to the rest of the class? "

The moment everyone has been waiting for, their ears perked up for the first time during a class, as they awaited the young man's answer.

"I'm sorry for the confusion. " Adam slowly stood up while talking, "but, I'm not a new student, I'm Adam King. "

"HUH?! " The first reaction came from Mr. Klaus.

"What the hell? "

"Is this a joke? "

"Didn't that guy already leave school? "

"Did he have plastic surgery? "

"If there is some kind of plastic surgery to increase height, I would've had one! "

"Are you a paid actor? "


Questions and doubts filled the room, but Adam just stood there and tried to hold back his laughter as hard as he could while waiting for his classmates to calm down.

"CALM DOWN! " The loud roar came from the back row, "are you really that little twig? " It was James.

"Well, yes, and no. I am Adam King, but I'm not a 'little twig. ' " Adam calmly replied to James' question before turning around, with an icy glint decorating his emerald eyes. "My abilities awakened two weeks ago, which caused this change. "

James looked at Adam with cold eyes, threatening to kill him at any moment. Before the classroom, once more, descended into chaos.

"So, you're a High Human now? "

"What are your abilities? "

"What triggered it? "

"Calm down! " Mr. Klaus finally stepped in to end the confusion before turning to Adam, "you may have a seat, Adam. " He gestured to the empty desk.

"Now, please open your textbooks to chapter 6. We are going to continue with our final review before your SATs. " Mr. Klaus said while picking up his book before turning to the blackboard to start the lesson.


After finishing the lesson, Mr. Klaus asked Adam to meet him at the end of the school day before leaving the classroom.

James seized the momentary chance to approach Adam before the beginning of the next class.

"Where have you been, little twig? " James said with an enraged expression. He no longer cared if the other classmates heard him or not.

"Damn, that's a scary-looking face man, you probably should get that looked at. " Adam replied with an amused smile. He knew he wasn't strong enough to beat James at the moment, but he wasn't weak enough to take that bullsh*t, either.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE HOT SH*T NOW? HUH? " James yelled while thick veins popped on his forehead and neck. But Adam looked at him nonchalantly.

"Hey, hey, let's calm down here~. We can deal with this later, James. " Darius quickly stepped in to protect his friend's reputation from getting sullied any further.

"Why don't we meet up for coffee after school, okay? " Darius asked Adam with a devious smile as he dragged James back to his desk.

"I don't mind. " Adam replied with a sinister smile of his own.

The other classmates wordlessly looked at the scene in front of them with faces full of shock. They all knew about James' bullying, but they have never seen him so openly hostile against Adam before.


*Rrrringg. *

"Okay class, that's the end of our lesson for today. Please remember to revise what we had today at home. "

""Okay, sir. ""

'I need to finish my business in Brooklyn today and continue my hunting in The Bronx. ' Adam thought while packing his things and leaving to talk to Mr. Klaus first, ignoring the vicious stares he got from James.



He knocked on the teacher's lounge door before entering.

"Oh, Adam! Come here. " Mr. Klaus quickly signaled to the young man.

"What did you want to talk about, sir? " Adam asked after reaching his teacher and sitting down on a nearby seat.

"Would you like some juice first? " The teacher offered with a nervous expression. He was quite young and the territory of what he was about to discuss with the young man was something he had never experienced before in his life as a teacher.

"I'm fine, thank you. " Adam politely declined.

"Okay, well, honestly, the teaching staff all knew about your situation with James. " His gaze turned to the ground as he started talking, "we tried to help multiple times Adam, believe me. But as you know, James is a High Human, so there's only so little we could do. "

"I understand, sir. I appreciate your efforts to help. " Adam replied while looking at his embarrassed teacher. He never heard about any attempts except for Henry's, but chose not to question the matter.

"However, now that you are a High Human too, I suggest you get your information updated with the High Human Association and talk to the officials about this matter. " Mr. Klaus looked at the young man's green eyes with a tender expression before continuing, "you will have our full support and we are all ready to testify. "

"I am planning on updating my personal information, but I do not think it is wise to go to the law for this matter. I will try to solve this issue with James privately. " Adam gave a resolute answer before standing up, "if there's nothing else you wanted to discuss, I will take my leave. "

"Y-yeah, that's fine. I will see you tomorrow. " Mr. Klaus bid Adam farewell with a flustered expression.

"See you tomorrow. " Adam nodded his head and walked towards the door.

'I'm sorry..... ' The teacher could only apologize to the boy in his heart for his inability.