Orc Settlement: Part 2

""GWOOOO! "" Adam's clever evasion infuriated the Orc scouts trying to protect the shamans. They all turned around, hoping to catch Adam before he reaches the shamans.

"You guys are too slow~ " Adam, however, was already too close to the shamans and was about to start their annihilation as he provoked the scouts.

Besides, even if they attempted to follow him, they were too slow to catch up with Adam, even with the effects of Dark Magic cast on him.

""GERMINUL FERTE SANDAMIN SENKA. "" The Orc shamans did not intend on standing still while waiting for their deaths and started chanting while pointing their staffs at Adam in tandem.

"Even a donkey would learn not to fall for the same trick! " Adam shouted before dodging to the side. He could not see the magic attack that the shamans used, but he could predict the trajectory by observing their staffs.



*THUD! *

"Gwark?! " The scout closest to Adam received the brunt of the spell and slumped to the ground with a pained groan.

'Great! ' Adam rejoiced at his success. 'Now to finish those shaman bastards. ' And thought as he looked at the shocked shamans; his eyes reflecting his deep contempt for them.

""GWAKUL- "" The shamans wanted to start their next incantation, but...


Adam's sword was faster than their tongues. After swiftly closing the distance, he cut off the nearest Orc's hand.

[HP: 180/260]

'18 seconds... '



Before attacking its head.

'One down, 17 seconds left... ' Adam thought before moving on to the next Orc as soon as the first head touched the ground.


"Shut up. "

*STAB! *

He stabbed the second shaman into silence and immediately turned to the third.

'The magic isn't wearing off! 16 seconds left... ' Urgency flooded his mind as an icy glint flashed in his eyes.


'15 seconds. '

*STAB! *

'14. '


'13. '


'12. '


'11. '

"GROOOAAAR! " One scout roared as it finally reached Adam before he got to kill the last shaman.

'Sh*t! I forgot about the scouts! ' Adam thought while gritting his teeth with a bitter expression, 'I have to take a gamble. '

He held his sword in a reverse grip before turning his body dramatically and throwing it like a spear in the shaman's direction. An extremely risky action to take when he's surrounded by enemies.

*STAB! *

*THUD! *

The cloaked monster's body slumped to the ground with the sword stuck in its forehead.

[Level up!]

[Dark Magic canceled]

[Condition restored]

"GWRAARR! " The scout, however, was very much alive and willing to rip Adam's limbs one by one.

"Sorry, I'm not into sweaty pig faces! " The young man jumped back to avoid the scout's outstretched hand that clearly intended on squeezing the life out of him.

'Please work! ' He prayed while holding out his hand in the sword's direction.



The sword embedded deep in the shaman's forehead disappeared before appearing in Adam's inventory space.

'YES! It worked! ' He rejoiced internally before turning to the remaining prey.

"GWAAAAAARR! " The roar signaled the start of the battle.

'These roars are getting annoying! ' The young man complained internally as he locked eyes with the Orc in front of him, 'how many Orcs left? '


'10 C-rank monsters... I can do this. ' Adam calmly pulled out his sword and dashed forward.


Starting with the closest Orc, Adam performed a slash, cutting its leg.

*THUD! *

The Orc fell to the ground, but tried to hold Adam with bloodshot eyes.

"Not so fast... " Adam said before jumping above the infuriated Orc and slashing its nape mid-air.


Cleanly cutting its head off.

'The recent level-up healed my injuries and increased my strength... ' Adam smiled. 'I'm getting addicted to this feeling! '

"GWRAAA! " The next Orc roared as Adam appeared in front of it and attempted to squash him with its palm.

*BOOM! *

Leaving only a giant crater on the ground with no signs of a dead body.




Adam dodged the palm strike before cutting off the Orc's fingers as it lifted its hand to check on the result of its attack.

"GWUAAA! " The Orc roared in pain and anger.


But just as it got occupied with its injury, Adam performed another powerful slash to its throat.


*THUD! *

Ending its life, causing a significant amount of green blood to gush out as the corpse plopped to the ground.

'Every attack connects to the next one. The moment of danger strengthens me. ' Adam's eyes wandered off to the horizon beyond the incoming Orcs.

'Can I become strong enough to achieve what I always dreamt of? ' He took off with eyes thirsty for power.




[Level up!]

'Can I avenge my family? '



'Is that the reason I awakened this ability? ' Endless questions filled Adam's mind as he slaughtered the Orc scouts.



'I rise by climbing on the corpses of my enemies... ' But the truth was right in front of him. The system he received allowed him to grow by killing, which was quite ironic, considering the losses he suffered because of murder.

"This world is f*cked up... " He said as he looked at the 6 remaining Orc scouts trembling in fear while watching him with terrified expressions.

"You guys are supposed to be the monsters. " He said before sprinting towards the Orcs to end their misery. Their terrified expressions did not stop him from attacking them because he knew what kind of battle this was.

"A kill or get killed, a dog eats dog piece of sh*t world.. " Adam said as a chilly breath escaped his lips.

""G-GWAAK! "" Although terrified, the scouts realized that the young man won't let them live and bet their lives on a desperate attempt to fight back.

"That's more like it. " A faint smile appeared on Adam's face as he collided with the Orcs.



*STAB! *



*THUD! *

*Pant! *

*Pant! *

"That should be it... " Adam said while looking at the last Orc collapsed on the ground as he struggled to catch his breath.

[Level up!]

[Quest complete!]

[Basic Sword Mastery: Level up!]

[Acquired new skill [Mana Vision] Lv.1!]

'Unveil. ' He called out his record after placing his sword back in the inventory.

[Name: Adam King]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: 17]

[Height: 190 cm]

[Class: None]

[Akashic connection: Low (medium)]

[Level: 14]


[HP: 290/290] [MP: 220/220]

[STR: 43] [AGI: 38]

[INT: 22] [VIT: 29]

[END: 24] [DEX: 32]

[ASP: 9]


[Basic Sword Mastery] Lv.4 (Level up!)

[Mana Vision] Lv.1 (New!) (Locked)

[Inspect the new skill to unlock it]

'That's strange. Why can't I use it immediately? Is it like a super skill?! ' Adam's thoughts ran rampant as he fantasized about the effects of his new skill.

'Inspect! '

[Mana Vision

Level: 1


-Uncovers the natural flow of mana.]

"What's with the insufficient explanation?! How can I know if it's usef- UGH! " Adam's words stopped abruptly as a splitting headache attacked him.

"UUUGGGHH! " He sprawled on the ground while holding his head and groaning in pain.


After 10 minutes of hellish headache attacks, Adam could finally open his eyes and stand up.

"Woah! What the?! " But what he saw shocked him more than the pain he suffered.

Countless streaks of light floated around in front of him as if dancing in the moonlight and flickered with every move he made. He could see many clumps of different colored lights moving far and beyond all around the borough.

Some were running while some were chasing or even standing still until he saw a gigantic blinding mass of light at the center. The rest of the clumps moved away from the giant mass as if to show fear and respect.

'This mana... ' Adam thought while mesmerized by the majestic lights, 'that must be the ruler of the area... '


The young man instinctively backed away at the sight of the obviously tremendous power on the horizon. He could roughly estimate the strength of the monstrosity in the middle based on the brightness of its mana alone.

'I'm still not ready for that... ' He thought before turning to look at the building that the Orcs protected with their lives. 'What are those black streaks? '

He could see a dozen streaks of ominous black mana coming through the gaps of the doors of the destroyed building.

'What were those Orcs protecting? ' He questioned before moving closer to the building.

Adam followed the black streaks towards the entrance, not knowing the unpleasant sight beyond that door.....