Level 15

Crotona Park, The Bronx, New York City,

Adam is leading the group of captives through the monster-infested borough to escort them to Manhattan, where they can talk to the relative authorities about what happened to them.

Aside from Adam, 7 men and 6 women comprise the group of various age groups besides the two children screaming hysterically on Adam's shoulders.




"Do you know their parents? " Adam asked the middle-aged woman walking alongside him about the children. They resembled each other, so he suspected they might be siblings.

"No, unfortunately, all I know is that they were the first ones here, and that they were in this same dazed state since I came here, " the middle-aged woman answered with a crestfallen expression. She looked around 40 years of age with grey strands in her black hair and brown eyes crowned by wise wrinkles.

"When did you come here? " Adam asked again. He wanted to investigate the situation as much as possible without arousing the captive's suspicion. 'I need to find out who did this... '

"My name is Cassandra Myers, and I came here two months ago. " Cassandra replied.

"Do you remember the person who brought you here? " Adam spoke in a worried tone.

"Y-yes, she was a young woman wearing a hooded cape. I couldn't see her face, but s-she lied to me... " Cassandra shook with fear and anger as she spoke of the woman responsible for her misery.

"What did she tell you?! " Adam noticed Cassandra's fury and asked in a nervous tone.

"What she told everyone else. She told me she will grant me unique abilities and turn me into a High Human if I follow her, but she led me to that building where- w-where- sh- " Cassandra stopped her sentence as tears began forming in her eyes and fear surfaced on her face.

"I-it's okay. " Adam tried to comfort the lady. "You are safe now. I'll make sure I keep you safe till we reach the city. "

'I don't sense any mana from them, nor can I inspect their abilities... What was that woman's goal? How could she work with Orcs? ' Many questions filled Adam's mind.

*Sob *

Cassandra's sobs broke his train of thought.

*Sob *

"T-thank you! T-thank you so much. " Cassandra's eyes could no longer hold her tears, leading her to cry while thanking Adam.

"It's fine. You don't need to thank me. " Adam replied before his expression turned serious. 'I need to find out more information... '

"Everyone here has one thing in common, " the young woman walking behind the two stepped up and spoke. "My name is Hazel Green, and I came here about a month ago. " She looked about 19 years old, with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"What are you talking about? Also, why are you mentioning the time you spent here? " Adam asked. He noticed how she mentioned the time she spent in the building without him asking, and it made him curious.

"This is how we introduce ourselves to newcomers. It's to help them adjust to the place and show them that some of us stayed here, alive, for a long time, like that man in the back. " Hazel pointed to a man at the back of the pack. "His name is Jacob Roberts, and he's been here for 2 years. People say he doesn't talk much, though. "

"I-is that so? " Adam said in a slightly surprised tone, 'she's a talker... '

"Yeah, it's kind of cool, isn't it?! " Hazel replied with a bright expression. If not for her extremely horrid current state, she might have stolen Adam's heart.

"It is, yeah. What about the thing you guys have in common? " He steered the conversation back to the investigation.

"Oh! Well, that's quite simple. " Hazel stopped before she continued with a bitter smile, "we are all people who came to The Bronx to commit suicide... "

"Huh?! Wasn't it a woman who brought you here?! " Adam asked with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, she found us before we each committed suicide, and told us she would grant us abilities to fix our lives. " Hazel looked up, her expression shifted to that of regret. "I would've preferred death over what they did to us... "

"Did you see her face? Can you talk about your experience in that building? " Adam asked.

"No, I couldn't see her face. " Hazel's shoulders drooped as she spoke with a disappointed expression, "the Orcs... They would hurt us every day before using magic to heal us, just to torture us again... It was an endless cycle. " Hazel said as she grabbed her shaking arm.

"I-I'm sorry for making you remember that... " Adam apologized.

"It's fine... " Hazel excused him and turned silent.

"W-we're about to reach Melrose! Manhattan is near, we're almost there! " Adam said to lift the heavy silence that befell the conversation and cheer Hazel up.

'Something is coming! ' He stopped when he saw a clump of red light approaching the group with his new skill.

""GWOOOOINK! "" But just as he said those words, a Twin-headed Orc appeared in front of the group with a roar.

'I just had to say that... ' Adam thought as he slapped his forehead,





Hysterical screams and cries for help came from the people following Adam.

'They must have experienced a lot, but I need to calm them down to protect them... ' Adam thought while looking at the terrified captives.

"Everyone! Group up! If you want to live, listen to me! " He exclaimed, "Hazel! Mrs. Cassandra! Take the children and group up with the rest of the people! " Adam handed the children to the two women before turning to the Orc.

""GWAAAA! "" The Orc ran in Adam's direction while swinging its two axes wildly.

"What are you doing?! We have to listen to Adam to survive! " Hazel shouted as she ran while holding the baby. "Group up! "


The sound of the axes colliding with Adam's sword reverberated throughout the area.


"RUN! "



Forcing the remaining captives to follow Adam's orders and group up together.

'Good, now I can focus on killing this bastard. ' Adam thought before parrying the Orc's axes.

*Kwang! *


And slashing its wrist, cutting one of its hands.


"Shut up, pig face! " Adam said before performing an upward slash aimed at one of the Orc's necks.


But only to be met with its ax.

'Keough! This is much stronger than the one I fought for the ranking test! ' Adam thought before he stepped back. 'But I can do it. '

*BOOM! *

Cracks formed underneath his feet as he dashed towards the Orc with an icy glint in his eyes.

"GWAAAA! " The Orc raised its remaining hand with a roar, intending to cut Adam in half the moment he reaches it.

"I'm faster than that, pig face! " Adam said in a provocative tone as he reached Orc in a flash.

*BOOM! *

Adam swiftly avoided the incoming attack that formed an enormous crater.


Before slashing one of the Orc's necks and cutting the head.


*THUD! *

"GWROOOOOOINK! " The remaining head roared in fury.

*BOOM! *

Before smashing its ax down on Adam.

"Too slow... " Adam whispered into the Orc's ear. He had already dodged the Orc's slow strike and climbed to its shoulder. "Time to say goodbye. "


Adam cut off its head.

*THUD! *

Which then fell to the ground.

*BOOM! *

Followed by the huge corpse.

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'Not now. ' Adam dismissed the notifications and tuned to the captives. "Everyone! It's okay now! We can continue walking! " He announced.

"Y-you saved us! "

"T-thank you! "

"Thank you! "


The group surrounded Adam and flooded him with words of gratitude.

"You can thank me when we arrive in Manhattan! Let's keep moving. " Adam said with a slightly flushed face.

But to his surprise, the people listened to his words and started moving with determined expressions.

"It seems like the children feel safe with us. We can take care of them for the rest of the way. " Cassandra said with a warm smile while carrying the sleeping little girl.

"Okay. I will trust you with that. " Adam gave her a slight nod before turning to Hazel, "are you okay? Can you handle it? "

"Y-yes! Don't worry about it and keep hunting those monsters! " Hazel replied with a beet-red face. She thought Adam was very handsome when she saw him, but the way he protected everyone made her heart skip a beat.

"Let's move. " Adam said before turning to lead the group once more. 'I have to get them back in Manhattan and start my class quest as soon as possible... '