Training: Part 2

James walked downstairs along with Adam and approached the labeled drawers at the back of the messy space.

"Daniel is going to kill me for this, but it's worth it. " James said while rummaging through the various bottles in the drawer labeled Potions. "I'm curious about your abilities, too. "

"Who's Daniel? " Adam stood behind James and asked.

"Oh, he's the alchemist of the task force; eccentric, but very nice once you get to know him. " James casually replied. "He's in charge of making potions and other alchemists related stuff that I'm not quite familiar with. "

"Alchemist? I heard about them before. " Adam spoke. "They're the ones that make potions, which sell for incredibly high prices. "

"Yeah, but Daniel is different. He's only interested in his research. " James said before pulling out a bottle filled with a light blue liquid. "Found it! "

"What is that? " Adam asked with a curious expression.

"It's a special potion, which is highly sensitive to mana. " James spoke while taking out a large bowl from another drawer. "We'll use this to figure out your aptitude. " He continued as he poured the potion into the bowl.

"So, it's a mana potion? Aren't those too expensive?! " Adam asked in a slightly shocked tone.

"Tsk, tsk, these are much more expensive, which is why this shall remain our secret, okay? " James replied as he placed the bowl on a nearby table. "Come here. "

"If they catch us, you're paying. " Adam said as he approached the table warily. "Okay, how does this work? " He asked.

"It's simple. There are two separate tests for Physical and Magical High Humans. " James said as he started explaining.

Since the liquid is highly sensitive to mana, it reacts in two separate ways, depending on the type of High Human that touches it.

With a Physical High Human test, you place a finger on the surface of the potion, to which the potion will latch onto the finger and start covering it.

He concluded his explanation by touching the surface of the liquid, and surely, the liquid started covering it in a slimy manner.

"What about the Magical High Human test? " Adam asked while looking at the liquid, wrapping itself around James' finger with a curious expression.

"That's different. With a Magical High Human test, you put your finger inside the liquid, which makes the liquid absorb the mana from your body and grow in volume. " James briefly explained.

"But we'll stick to the Physical test first and see how it goes. If it's a success, there's no need to try the Magical one because it's impossible to awaken as two types simultaneously. " He continued before dipping his finger in the liquid, but this time, there was no reaction. "If you turn out to be a Magical High Human, then I can ask our best Magical High Human to train you, but she's going to be strict. "

"I see. " Adam said before gently placing his finger on the surface of the liquid with an excited expression. 'This is the moment of truth... '

The liquid wrapped around Adam's finger the same way it did with James's, which surprised Adam because he thought he would be a Magical High Human based on James's previous explanation.

'Does this mean that Gravity Manipulation and Ayin convert mana to Aura before activating? ' He questioned in his mind.

"This is great! Now, we're sure that you're a Physical High Human! We can start training right away. " James rejoiced.

*Bzzz! *

*Bzzz! *

Before a vibrating sound came from his pocket, which was his phone. He took it out and his face turned serious when he saw the caller ID.

"I have to pick up. We'll clean this mess and start training when I'm done. " James said before picking up and walking up the stairs.

"Okay... " Adam's gaze alternated between James's departing back and the bowl. 'It won't hurt to try it, right? Even James did... ' He thought before quietly dipping his finger into the liquid.

As soon as he did so, the liquid started violently bubbling before bursting out of the bowl violently.

Adam immediately retracted his finger with a shocked expression. He simply wanted to try the Magical High Human test, but never thought that it would be positive as well.

'Well, this is confusing... ' He thought while looking at his hand with a curious gaze. 'Just what type of High Human am I? '

"I'm sorry about that. It was an important call. " James apologized while descending the stairs. "Let's just clean this up quickly and move back up to train. " He said as he approached the liquid drenched table.

"I-I'll clean it up! " Adam quickly blocked James's vision with a nervous expression. "I just need to put the potion back in its original place, right? "

"Yeah, but I need to make sure it's spotless because Daniel gets furious when you touch his stuff. " James spoke while looking at Adam with a confused expression.

"Just let me do it. Don't you trust me? " Adam spoke while trying his best to stop James from seeing the messy table.

"I do, but this is really important. " James kept trying to look over Adam's tall shoulders. "Wait, what are you hiding? " He got fed up with Adam's unreasonable actions and forced him to move, revealing the table.

"Uh, I accidentally knocked the potion over by mistake. " Adam tried lying his way out of the predicament.

"Sh*t... " James, however, was too occupied, thinking about all the atrocious things that Daniel will do to him if he found out about this. "L-let's just try cleaning it... " He said with a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry... " Adam apologized.

"If Daniel finds out, I'm ratting you out, buddy... " James spoke in an ominous tone.

'How scary is this Daniel guy? ' Adam thought with a worried expression before grabbing a towel and helping James clean up the table.


After successfully cleaning up the crime scene, Adam and James walked up to the second floor to start their training.

"Alright, since you're a Physical High Human, you need to first train your body to channel the mana through it before turning it to Aura. " James spoke with his arms crossed.

"Channel the mana? " Adam asked.

"Yeah, the strengthened bodies of High Humans have this thing called mana vessels, which allow them to channel mana and use it. " James replied. "If you overuse your mana without training your mana vessels, you might exhaust them. "

"I see. " Adam nodded. 'So, that's why I felt nauseous when I used my skills earlier... '

"Let's get right to it, then. " James sat down on the floor.

"Okay. " Adam sat down across from him.