Training: Part 4

10 pm, in front of the empty task force headquarters.

Adam arrived in time and was now waiting for James to arrive.

'Where is he? ' He thought while checking his phone for any missed calls. 'I'm still unfamiliar with this phone, too... '

"Adam! " James called after finally arriving with a heavy breath. "Sorry for being late. I had to meet up with Darius to discuss some stuff. " He said before taking out his keys and opening the door.

"Were you discussing the raid on The Bronx? " Adam asked as he followed James into the building. "I saw it on the news earlier today. What is Darius thinking? That place is too dangerous. "

"I can't give you all the details till you officially join the task force, but it's going to be amazing. " James said with an excited expression. "Now, let's hurry and train you! We already wasted too much time because you were too reckless last night. "

After turning on the lights, the duo walked straight to the second floor to start their training. Adam didn't have any time to waste. With all the things he had to do soon, he has to invest all his time in training.

The first event was the test, followed by the tournament, which was still an unknown danger to both of them, and finally, if he successfully joins the task force, then Adam will most probably take part in the raid on The Bronx.

'I need to become strong enough to carry my weight... ' Adam thought with a determined expression.

"Today, we're going to focus on Aura training. " James said as he put on a pair of silver gauntlets. "Using Aura will be quite easy if you remember yesterday's training. "

"Do you mean the mana circulation? " Adam asked as he pulled his sword out.

"That's right. " James said before circulating his mana, causing the surrounding mana to gather towards him at an incredible speed.

'Amazing... ' Adam could only watch the mana strands in the air move with an impressed expression. It was taking him his all to replenish 10 MP per minute, but James was probably doing much more than that without breaking a sweat.

"Follow my steps! " James woke Adam from his daze with a shout. "Start circulating your inner mana and absorbing the surrounding mana. "

Adam started copying James and slowly circulated his mana while increasing the speed at fixed intervals of time. Unlike last night, however, it felt much easier and the scratchy feeling he experienced was much easier to ignore, too.

'I can do this. ' Adam focused on absorbing the surrounding mana while observing it with his [Mana Vision]. 'James is hogging most of the mana, but it's making it easier for me to absorb the remaining strands... '

[User efficiently absorbed mana.]


[Max MP+10]

'Huh?! ' Adam looked at the hovering text with a shocked expression. 'So, I can increase my max MP using this method? '

[Absorbing the surrounding mana and circulating it has increased the user's mana pool.]

'Why did this not happen last night? ' Adam asked the system.

[User's MP was originally too low.]

'I see, so my MP needs to be full for me to increase the overall mana pool in this way. ' Adam looked at the system's answer with a smile. 'This training is much more beneficial than I imagined... '

"After absorbing an adequate amount of mana, focus on widening the cycle in which your inner mana is circulating. " James said before demonstrating the procedure. "Try to add all the new mana you absorb into the circulation and maintain a balance. "

A thick layer of mana surrounded James's body as he started widening his circulation cycle.

"Once you widen the circulation cycle enough to cover your body, block the incoming outside mana and try to maintain your circulation. " James spoke before yellow sparks of lightning appeared on his body. "As you keep circulating, your body will automatically apply its natural properties to the mana. "

"I see. " After scrutinizing James's actions, Adam tried doing the same thing. 'First is widening the cycle... '

He gritted his teeth and guided the mana into a wider course of circulation, which was easier than he thought it would be.

'Keep expanding it until it covers my whole body... ' Adam concentrated on expanding his circulation while maintaining the same speed. 'I need to maintain a balance... '

Before long, the mana engulfed his body, and he could feel a protective layer on top of his skin. It made him feel like he can block a knife with his bare hands.

'And now, I stop absorbing! Keep the circulation going on. ' He flexed his muscles and blocked the incoming mana.

"This is amazing! I feel much more powerful. " Adam rejoiced with a smile.

"This is the effect of Aura. It increases your physical capabilities while applying a protective layer around your body. " James said as he looked at Adam with a smile.

'I did not expect him to do it so fast. What kind of monster is he? It took me 3 months just to circulate! ' But inside, his mind was going in circles. 'I made the right choice by not telling him the average time people take to master these techniques or else he would've held back and lied to me about his capabilities again... '

James already knew that Adam had much more up his sleeves than he was letting on, and that's why he wanted to measure Adam's true potential by using this training as a front. However, Adam surpassed his wildest expectations.

Normally, when someone trains their mana vessels for the first time, they experience a lot of vomiting and diarrhea because of the accumulated waste inside the vessels, but Adam didn't show any of those symptoms, which showed just how clean his vessels are.

'There's also the fact that he kept circulating for 250 minutes straight! On his first time! ' James started scratching the back of his head with an amused expression. 'I need to train harder if I don't want to be left behind soon... '

"I'm ready for the real training. " Adam woke James from his elongated gaze while swinging his sword. "There is a reason we both have our weapons, right? "

*Clang! *

"Of course there is. " James said as his fists collided. "I can finally be a little serious. "