Aurora’s Birthday I

Saturday, October 3rd.

Today was Aurora's birthday and Theo wanted everything to be perfect.

Tonight, the restaurant was closed exclusively for Aurora's party.

Theo gave the employees a day of rest. But he invited them to the party if they wanted to go.

Theo also invited the employees of the Umbrella Company.

Initially, he would cook alone the food of the party but when Ayia discovered that he would cook alone, she instantly invited herself for the fray and Theo could only agree with her.

Theo woke up early and made Aurora's favorite breakfast.

When he heard a door opening, he turned and saw Aurora entering the kitchen with sleepy eyes.

Theo walked towards her and hugged her.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Theo exclaimed.

He squeezed her.

"Happy birthday, cupcake, I love you. Do not ever forget that" he said to her.

Aurora felt her heart melt with his hug and the words he said.