Pedrarruna House V


Weekly System of Rewards:

200+ Power Stones => +1 Bonus Chapter

400+ Power Stones => +2 Bonus Chapters

600+ Power Stones => +3 Bonus Chapters

800+ Power Stones => +4 Bonus Chapters

1000+ Power Stones => +5 Bonus Chapters


Theo entered the elevator and pressed the button that said [Ground Floor].

After a while, the doors opened and he was back where he first arrived.

Theo wanted to explore the whole ground floor of the property before moving to the up floors.

He crossed the first living room he saw and continued walking because to the side of that living room was the entrance of a hallway that connected more ambients.

There was a bathroom that served the first living room.

This hallway ended on a double wooden door, Theo entered this room and he was greeted by an enormous room filled with shelves.