
Everyone was having a great time,

The great food, the drinks, and the amazing view were the perfect combination.

At 9:30 PM, Aurora and Ayia left the group to go to the kitchen.

They needed to bring the cake.

Theo thought they were going to the bathroom so he did not think much of it.

When the two girls arrived in the kitchen, they started the preparations.

Aurora took the cake out of the fridge and Aurora was organizing the other sweets.

But when she saw the cake, she exclaimed in admiration. 

The cake had the format of a moon beautifully sculpted.

"It's so beautiful! Where did you get it, Aurora-chan?" Ayia asked excitedly.

"I ordered from one of the best bakers in the city. I had to ask Vivian for an appointment with the baker so that she could make this cake." Aurora replied full of pride.

"It's indeed very beautiful! Come on, let's hurry!" Ayia said with enthusiasm.