The More Money, The More Risks

Elffire City, Yamada Mansion.

Ayia was at her office searching for the basic knowledge that a manager of an artist's career should have.

Even though she was a genius who graduated from Rainbow Sakura University, she didn't have any experience related to the music industry.

And one of the first things she learned in college was to always be attentive to all functions that the job position should have.

She was waiting for Theo to send the script so that she could contact the crew that she thought would be perfect for the job.

Ayia was so focused on what she was doing that she did not notice a black-haired woman entering the office.

The woman seemed to be proficient in the art of concealment because Ayia did not even notice that someone was behind her.

The woman stopped behind Ayia and looked at the computer screen.

"The Functions of the Musical Career Manager." Shizuka read out loud with a calm voice.