Takahashi Tracks

Sakura Abode Country, Catadrid City, Prime Train Station.

The station was enormous and had an extensive influx of passengers coming and going every day through the modern trains.

The Sakura Abode was an enormous country with an extensive landmass.

If someone wanted to travel between states by car, it would be needed days to cross the distance.

That's why 40 years ago, Takahashi Kimi, the president of the country at that time, implemented the construction of a Track Network covering all the states of the country.

She was the first president to implement such a huge project in the world, and her efforts paid off when by the end of her term all 33 states of the Sakura Abode Country were connected by the Rail Network.

And because of her contributions to the country, years later the Track Network was renamed with her name.

Receiving the name of Takahashi Tracks.