Movie Set Locations

Greenhorn Hostel, Elffire City.

Arthur and the crew woke up early that Saturday.

The night before, they received confirmation from Ayia that the casting would occur Saturday morning.

Ayia had posted a cast calling in the Elffire Acting Association for the two roles of the music video.

Each role would pay five thousand dollars, and that was much more money than these actors usually get for gigs. 

Ayia got the information that there were lots of actors interested.

She hoped that talented actors answered the call.

The place of the casting would be the same coffee shop where the crew had a meeting with Moonlight.

Arthur and Kanna got out of their room with excited faces.

And when everyone met to have breakfast, the others were visibly excited.

It could not be helped, this project would change their lives.

They had the chance to produce something amazing, so they could not wait to start working.