Receiving The Call

Amisaki Michiru Street, South District, Elffire City.

Ishii was making dinner for him and his grandma.

He had a silly smile on his face since he got out of the audition earlier.

The young man was a little nervous about his chances of getting the part, but he chose to be optimistic about it.

He performed his best and did everything he could, now he only had to wait to see if his efforts were enough to get the part.

Ishii finished the simple food he cooked after a while.

He made rice soup with vegetables.

The meal was simple, but it could fill them.

And most importantly, his grandma had to eat light food, so he could not make anything too strong or spicy.

He put some soup in a bowl and took it where his grandma was.

Shortly after, he arrived in the living room of the apartment where an old lady could be seen watching TV.

"Grandma, dinner is ready!" He exclaimed with a brilliant smile when he stopped next to her.