Technical Crew

The cloudy night arrived, and the city lights of Elffire City illuminated the darkness.

Vehicles drove through the crowded streets of Bluecorn State's Capital.

Sunday night was the perfect time to go out before the start of work on Monday.

Citizens could be seen heading to their favorite places to enjoy the wind night.

On one of the avenues in the city, a truck could be seen driving at the speed limit.

This truck had 13 passengers and 1 driver.

But each one of them had gleaming eyes as the truck took them to their destination.

White Willow Plaza!

Arthur and the crew finally were heading to the location of the first scene they would film.

Everyone was feeling a multitude of emotions.

They were nervous about the shoot.

They were anxious to start shooting as soon as possible.

They were worried about possible problems that may occur and if they would be able to perform well.