Profit Reports: November III

Theo had shining eyes as he finished inspecting the monthly profit report from the Fuji Jump Co.

But even though his excitement, Theo had some doubts about what he should do.

At the end of the report, Theo saw a note from Sayuri.

Shortly, she said strongly recommended investing in the expansion of the printing factory.

And the reason she recommended that was obvious.

With a bigger printing factory, the more copies they could produce per month, the more copies they could sell, and consequently the more money they could earn.

Because according to Sayuri estimates, with the release of the third volume of the [Naruto] Manga, they would face again the problem of having demand but not being able to sell more mangas.

Theo knew that the wise decision was to follow Sayuri's suggestion and expand the printing factory, but Theo was conflicted because he wanted to use this money to invest in his animation studio and his music album.