Fiery Sunlight Over The Dark Clouds

Sunshire Stone Bridge, Elffire City.

The afternoon sun descended and set the approaching dark clouds on fire with redness, it burned the broad sky, like a prairie. Its fiery light left upon the level water of the Tinuviel River one long track and trail of splendor. 

It was a great red sunset that burned over the crystalline river and kindled the far forests till they glowed like jewels.

When the crew saw that the snow didn't fall when the sunset arrived, they smiled happily.

They did it!

Their prayers for a beautiful sunset were answered!

"Let's go!" Arthur exclaimed loudly with a smile.

The crew members sprag into motion when they hear that.

They had to be fast in this shooting, they could not miss the light, so mistakes were not allowed.

And they were lucky because no problems occurred and the actors hired were amazing enough to nail the scene without mistakes.