Friday Night with Curry

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

Friday Night, December 11th.

This was the night that most people chose to go out and have fun.

Students didn't have school tomorrow, so they could party with their friends until late without having to worry about the next day's classes.

And workers could go out and have a drink or dance to let lose the tension accumulated after the work week.

Restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, and other establishments had an increase in clientele on this night of the week.

It was very rare to see a young man, who had enough money to spend on whatever he wanted, staying home on a Friday Night.

But the silver-haired young man inside the Pedrarruna Mansion was not a normal man.

This was Theo's night off from the restaurant.

Theo was the Head Chef of a relatively famous restaurant in the city.

He also was the owner of several companies, and his monthly profit was around millions.