New Future

Brighton Hotel, Elffire City.

7:13 AM, Saturday, December 12th.

It was another cold morning.

3 days before the start of the winter, the weather was completely winter-like already.

The citizens of the city had to get out of their houses dressed in coats and jackets to ward off the coldness.

Their luck was that it wasn't snowing yet.

But it was predicted that as soon as the winter started officially, the snow would fall constantly.

This was the place that Emina and the others chose to sleep that night.

After they finished the assignments in the Tkyo Studios, they immediately came here.

They were so tired after the day of work.

The tension, nervousness, and fatigue of the day would only be cured by a good night of sleep.

And that was what they did.

But they woke up early this Saturday morning because they should be at the Tkyo Studios by 8 am to receive the results from the test.