Planning A Party For the Children

Monday, December 21st.

Dining Table, Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

After an exhausting workout, Theo and the girls were having breakfast like they did every day after the training.

"I heard it will not snow for three days." Sam commented as she poured some hot coffee into her cup.

"Yeah, it was much better to leave the house this morning without the snow falling." Sayuri commented as she ate her porridge.

"But it seems that a new snowstorm will arrive in a few days." Shizuka said calmly as she sipped her tea.

"Talking about snow. Girls, I have a proposition to you all." Theo suddenly said as he put down his coffee mug.

The girls immediately turned their heads to look at him with curious eyes, just by his tone of voice they knew that Theo wanted to talk about something important.

And they wanted to know what this proposition was.

"You girls remember that orphanage we visited some time ago?" Theo asked with a small smile.