A Fan Throughout Social Medias

Suki's Bedroom, Skybrace 8th Street, Elffire City..

@Suki: Girls! I just heard the most fantastic album!

@Suki: Check it out! [open.track.com/earthtoazurealbum/moonlight]

Suki didn't waste any time as she sent a message to the chat group she had with her friends.

And it didn't take much time for her friends to answer.

@Carli: Album? I never heard about this Moonlight tho.

@Jenna: Are you sure about that, Suki?

@Suki: Of course, I'm sure!

@Suki: Moonlight is a new artist. But after hearing his album I'm sure that in no time he will become famous.

@Suki: Just listen to one song of his and you'll thank me...

The girls became thoughtful as they read Suki's messages.

Now they were curious to know why Suki was so excited about this new artist, so they opened the link that Suki sent and played the first song of Moonlight's album.

As expected, the girls became wide-eyed as they listened to it.