Courting Death

The girls all had sore muscles as they sat down to have breakfast that morning.

They were so strained that for the first time since their workout started, Ayia did not help Theo cook breakfast.

Her leg muscles were so sore that she could barely move.

Ayia was relieved that she did not have anything to do during the day cause she would vegetate all day long until her shift at the restaurant. Aurora and Shizuka felt the same relief. Theo knew that the three girls wouldn't do anything during the day, and that's why he did not feel guilty about straining their bodies during the intense workout.

On another hand, Sam, June, and Sayuri had work to do during the day. That's why their muscles were not so sore. They could still move without many difficulties.

That morning Theo cooked an extra-loaded breakfast, the table was covered with dishes to give the girls extra energy for the rest of the day.