The Spark Restaurant: Reports and Projections

Theo wished everyone a Happy New Year as he left the studio after the meeting, that was because he would only see them after he came back from vacation.

To Ryoko, he only bade farewell as he would see her tomorrow at his house for the New Year Party that he would throw.

After wishing everyone a happy new year, Theo left the studio in his car and headed straight to his restaurant.

That night would be the last service of the restaurant of the years, as Theo would not open tomorrow.

Which made the night already special, but after the service, there would be a little party for everyone where Ayia and Shizuka would be able to enjoy a New Year's Party with everyone.

June and Aurora spent the whole day organizing the party, and when Theo arrived at the restaurant the two of them were already there.

"Good afternoon, Sarah! Looking forward to the holidays?" Theo smiled at the girl who worked as a greeter.