Naathyr International Airport

First-Class Lounge, Naathyr International Airport, Sakura City.

This was arguably the biggest and most advanced airport in the entire world.

Every day it received flights from countless countries. The airport was so big that it seemed like a city where thousands upon thousands of passengers arrived and departed every day.

In a year, millions of passengers passed through this airport. And even though the New Year was a holiday where most people stayed at home, the airport was still filled with people that New Year's Day morning.

By that, we can see how modern and fancy this airport was. And the First-Class Lounge was something from another world. The lounge itself was enormous with a myriad of services to the first-class passengers. 

There were luxurious brands shops, fancy restaurants and bars, places comfortable to sleep and rest, and many other amenities.

11:20 AM.