Predators! Action!

"Are you guys ready?" Theo asked the girls after they went over the plan briefly once again.

"Yes!" Ayia and Shizuka replied promptly.

While Aurora's voice came from Theo's phone, "Yes!"

"Aurora cut out the lights as soon I give the green light." Theo said as the three of them walked through the hotel hallway.

"Yes, I can cut the light at any time." Aurora replied.

"Okay." Theo replied.

They soon arrived at room 514, and Theo started picking the lock of the door with his skillful hands.

Just a few seconds later, he was able to open the door.

Theo gave the hand signal to Ayia and Shizuka before quietly entering the room.

Their object was to check if there was anyone inside the room.

"Clear! There's no one inside." Theo said in a low voice.

"Yeah, there's no inside indeed." Ayia agreed.

It was at that moment that Theo and Ayia looked at Shizuka as the next part would be taken care of by her.