Sunrise At Last

Theo, Ayia, Shizuka, and Aurora walked back to Karaoke Bar carrying Gwen's unconscious body as if everything was normal..

They acted as if they didn't just pull off a strike against a secure location with armed men to rescue someone.

It may sound that a long time passed since Theo noticed that Gwen was missing, but barely 10 minutes passed since then!

This meant that since Theo received Sylph's message.

He recruited Ayia, Shizuka, and Aurora to go with him to rescue Gwen. They spend to reach the kidnappers. And when they reached them, they observed and analyzed them to see if they were armed. When they noticed that they were armed, they had to improvise.

Theo came up with a last-minute plan that could increase their chances.

Aurora would head to the maintenance room of the hotel to turn off the lights of the building while the other three would head toward the place where they were keeping Gwen.