Leaving Paradise

The ball touched the ground and for a short second, no one reacted to it.

But a second later Ayia and Shizuka screamed in happiness.

They tied the game!

The crowd couldn't hold off anymore and they ran toward the four of them to commemorate the draw.

Theo and Aurora looked at each other with wry smiles, they tried really hard but it seemed like Ayia and Shizuka were possessed every time they defended against their attack.

They attacked the two girls so many times in the last rally, but the two girls defended each time with crazy defense moves.

The two of them were not sad as they managed to hold off a tie against incredible opponents.

Their friends were even happier as they lifted the four of them and threw them into the air.

The four were extremely fatigued after their exhaustive match, so they didn't even fight against the hands that wanted to lift them into the air.

Just like that the siblings' match ended up in a draw.