Restaurant New Year Opening

Sound Studio Conference Room, Tokyo Animation Studios, Elffire City.

Theo observed the table reading with a focused mind. He had watched the [SAO] Anime in his past life, so he knew the final direction of the anime. But that didn't mean that Theo planned to produce an exact of the [SAO] Anime from his past life. 

Theo planned to implement his own vision in this anime, he didn't care if the voices weren't the same as the other version. The only thing that mattered to him was if the voices that the voice actors chose were appropriate to each character.

This was the first time that Theo would be directing a production, so everything was new for him as well. But with the knowledge that he managed to amass in the past months, he was more than qualified to direct an anime production.

That's why his enhanced mind didn't find it difficult to note down each mistake that the voice actors made.