Green Flower Manor and Sunday Night at the Restaurant

Green Flower Manor, Pedrarruna Hillfoot, Elffire City.

08:16 AM, Sunday, January 24th..

It was worth mentioning that Theo and Aurora's house was located in the Pedrarruna Hillfoot neighborhood, but as their house was located inside the forest, it wasn't worth mentioning. But with Ayia and Shizuka moving to the same neighborhood, we can finally know this fact.

While Theo slept late alone in his house, Ayia and Shizuka woke up early that Sunday. That was because they were moving the last items to their new house, which they named Green Flower Manor due to its unique architecture that reminded them of a green flower.

After two weeks of renovations, the manor was ready to receive them. These renovations were necessary as some of them were crucial to Ayia and Shizuka's safety.

The house now had a state of art security system which made it almost impossible for an intruder to get into the property.