Journey Down The Mountain

Mountain Road, Musdurn Mountain.

A convoy of cars slowly drove through the white road as they headed down the mountain.

The road had just been cleaned by the snow cleaners, so they were able to drive without problems, but they had to drive slowly.

Theo and the others were inside these cars as they headed to the mountain station to get on the lift to climb the mountain.

After they finished eating breakfast, they formed a team to clean the driveway quickly. With 19 people working together, they cleaned the driveway in less than 20 minutes. Which freed everyone to get ready for their outing.

It was only after everyone was dressed to practice skiing and snowboarding that they left the house. With yesterday's experience, they were much faster to get ready.

Theo was driving his jeep with Aurora in the passenger seat and Umaru, Vivian, and Carolla in the backseats.