Fake Money

Student Council Room, Yukihime High School, Elffire City..

The Elected Student Council wasn't behind in work as well. On the contrary, they were even busier than the rest as they had to organize the massive festival.

The six members of the student council had been working day and night to organize this festival.

"President, the flyers are being distributed to the school neighborhood as we speak." Ohori replied to Vivian as the student council had a small meeting that Tuesday afternoon

"Great job, Ohori!" Vivian said with a smile.

"Yeah, the flyers are great, Ohori."

"The little snow princess mascot is so cute!"


The other council members all complimented Ohori's work producing the promoting flyers.

"Thank you, girls." Ohori replied with a simple smile, "But I didn't do it alone, the people from the marketing team helped me a lot."