Ultimate Adventure Board Game! II

"Your time starts now!" the game master announced, and Theo stepped into the makeshift stage area, a small platform set up in the middle of the game board.

Theo took a deep breath, then launched into his skit. He played the role of a bumbling detective, stumbling over his words and exaggerating his gestures for comedic effect. His voice shifted between deep seriousness and high-pitched confusion, perfectly capturing the character's hapless nature.

"Ah, yes, the butler did it! Or was it the maid? No, wait, it was... the cat!" Theo declared, pointing dramatically at an imaginary feline, his silver-gray hair flipping as he spun around.

The crowd roared with laughter, appreciating Theo's commitment to the role. His friends were cheering him on, with Sam and Sayuri doubling over in fits of giggles. Even Shizuka, usually composed, was grinning widely.