Visitors From All Around The World

The Yukihime Club Festival received visitors from all over the city, and some of them even came from far away.

Maria, Lily, Jason, Bai Chum, Yom Sol-Mi, and Daniel were college students at Bluecorn State University. As a renowned university and the principal college in Bluecorn State, Bluecorn College receives students from all over the country and beyond every year.

Maria and the other five had indeed come from other places to study and live at Elffire City, the six of them had started studying at the Bluecorn University last year, so they had been living in Elffire City for over a year already. During the last year, the six of them developed a tight and close bond of friendship. So, after seeing the ads, they decided to enjoy their free Saturday night to see how a high school festival operated in Elffire City. It was their first time visiting an event like this in Elffire City, and they were amazed by it.