The Dawn of Day Two

While Theo and Ayia spent the start of that Sunday morning, March 14, brainstorming ideas about his future entertainment company, Aurora and the rest of the girls from the student council woke up early, ready to tackle the day's responsibilities before the festival started at 10 AM.

Despite going to sleep well past 2 AM, they rose before 7 AM, knowing that there was much to be done. After a quick but nourishing breakfast at Vivian's house, they arrived at the school campus, where students and staff were already beginning to gather.

As they walked through the gates of Yukihime High School, the crisp morning air was filled with anticipation. The campus, which had been bustling with life and energy just the day before, now stood quietly in the early morning light, a calm before the storm of activity that was to come. The first order of business was to walk around and assess the state of the campus.